Import Order By found 48 projects
Project to keep build templates which are reused in multiple projects.
merlinerr/halcyon KotlinXMPP Library
Kotlin Multiplatform XMPP client library
tigase/helm-charts DevOpsTigase Server
Main HELM chart Tigase repository
(M) Documentation for custom extensions to the XMPP protocol used by Tigase
Tigase's Homebrew repository
wojtek-test-user/halcyon KotlinXMPP Library
Kotlin Multiplatform XMPP client library
Tigase XMPP Server Command Line Management Tool (formerly tclmt)
(M) Public Project of Tigase Messenger for iOS devices based on Tigase Swift XMPP library.
Official Tea is experimental XMPP client wrote with Kotlin Compose Multiplatform
Modified version of libsignal to use with TigaseSwiftOMEMO
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