Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #468
HTTP Admin UI (#468)
Eric Dziewa opened 9 years ago
Due Date

Problems found while testing /admin/.

  • Notifications > Send announcement to Online Users:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static tigase.server.Command.addFieldMultiValue() is applicable for argument types: (tigase.server.Iq, java.lang.String, [Ljava.lang.String;) values: [,, DATA=Message to online usersFill out this form to make an announcement to all active users of this service. from administratorsheadlinenormalheadlinechat</command ... , SIZE=1030, XMLNS=null, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=NONE, TYPE=result, ...]

Possible solutions: addFieldMultiValue(tigase.server.Packet, java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable), addFieldMultiValue(tigase.server.Packet, java.lang.String, java.util.List)

javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static tigase.server.Command.addFieldMultiValue() is applicable for argument types: (tigase.server.Iq, java.lang.String, [Ljava.lang.String;) values: [,, DATA=Message to online usersFill out this form to make an announcement to all active users of this service. from administratorsheadlinenormalheadlinechat</command ... , SIZE=1030, XMLNS=null, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=NONE, TYPE=result, ...]

Possible solutions: addFieldMultiValue(tigase.server.Packet, java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable), addFieldMultiValue(tigase.server.Packet, java.lang.String, java.util.List)






  • Successfully disabled MUC component on the node my test user was connected to. Could not re-enable MUC using the admin UI.

  • Manage active server plugins: does not work.

  • Log tracker asked for a filename to save data to and returned Operation successful. I cannot find the file.

  • Add SSL Certificate doesn't work. No error message given as feedback.

  • Add new item: The item did not pass validation checking. > What vaildation checks failed? Domain name not specified > Domain name was indeed specified.

  • Change user inter-domain communication permission. Changed to Local domains. No feedback after submitting. Can still send across all domains.

  • Connections time: OK

  • Create a node: Many dropdowns contain lists of "null". No feedback after submission. Node was not created.

  • Default config: The dropdowns contain nulls as above.

  • Delete node: No feedback after submission.

  • Fix Roster: Add is successful, although subs="both" ? Delete doesn't work (already in the roster, skipping).

  • Fixes user's roster on Tigase cluster: Disconnects the user from the server. Successfully adds roster item as above. Trying to delete, again knocks the user offline, and instead of deleting creates a duplicate item:

"/><contact preped="simple" subs="both" weight="1.0" last-seen="1000" name="makebelieveuser" activity="1.0" jid="

"/><contact preped="simple" subs="both" weight="1.0" last-seen="1000" name="makebelieveuser" activity="1.0" jid="

  • Force stop service: Provide a key for IOService you wish to stop. I don't know what this is.

  • Get User Roster: Does not work.

  • Get any file: Works. Not sure if allowing admin to leave tigase-server directory is a good idea ie. ../../../etc/passwd.

  • Get list available commands: Script finished with no errors but returned no results.

  • List Service Keys: Is this labeled correct? Looks more like list of port connections.

[xxx.yyy.zzz.219_51107_xxx.yyy.zzz.220_5yyy7, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_5yyy7_xxx.yyy.zzz.220_44968, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_5yyy7_xxx.yyy.zzz.220_44967, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_43158_xxx.yyy.zzz.218_5yyy7, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_5yyy7_xxx.yyy.zzz.218_47126, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_43159_xxx.yyy.zzz.218_5yyy7, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_51106_xxx.yyy.zzz.220_5yyy7, xxx.yyy.zzz.219_5yyy7_xxx.yyy.zzz.218_471yyy]

  • Load Test: No feedback after submission.

  • New command script: Reports success but I can't find the file.

  • Publish item to node: No feedback. Didn't work.

  • Read ALL nodes: Doesn't work.

  • Reload component repository: Unsure what this should do...

Script result

Reloaded items - 2:

  • Remove an item: Works. Should be renamed Remove a VHost.

  • Remove command script: Reports success. Unsure what was actually deleted when I selected create-node. I guessed tigase-server/scripts/admin/CreateNode.groovy. This file remains but create-node is no longer an option to remove.

  • Remove log tracker for a user: No tracker found for user (I added previously).

  • Retrieve items: I don't know what to enter into these fields. What should be entered?

  • S2S Reset Bad State Connections: Does not work.

  • S2S get CID connection state: Where do I find CID to fill this form?

  • Short description: Script finished with no errors but returned no results.

  • Simulate serviceStopped method call: I'm asked for a key. http/rest/api-keys[s] does not work... IOService for key: redacted not found!

  • Subscribe to node: No feedback after submission. Looking at tig_pubsub_subscriptions, it doesn't look like subscription was successful.

  • Unsubscribe fromo node: No feedback. Doesn't work.

  • Update item configuration (vhost-man): Does not work.

  • Update item configuration (basic-conf): Does not work.

  • Update user roster entry: Reports success but is not successful.

*Update user roster entry, extended version: Creates a duplicate contact.

  • [example] Hello World Script: Doesn't do anything.

  • [example] Tigase scripting guide:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static tigase.server.Packet.commandResultForm() is applicable for argument types: (tigase.server.Iq) values: [, to=null, DATA=<iq id="31f741a5-d9c7-4ed8-ad6b-b7e060cb4033" type="set" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" from=""><command xmlns="" node="groovy-example"/></iq>, SIZE=231, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=ADMIN, TYPE=set]
javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: static tigase.server.Packet.commandResultForm() is applicable for argument types: (tigase.server.Iq) values: [, to=null, DATA=<iq id="31f741a5-d9c7-4ed8-ad6b-b7e060cb4033" type="set" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" from=""><command xmlns="" node="groovy-example"/></iq>, SIZE=231, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=ADMIN, TYPE=set]
Artur Hefczyc commented 9 years ago

Create a subticket to this ticket for each command which does not work or does not return meaningful results. All the tickets can be public.

Artur Hefczyc commented 9 years ago

All outstanding subtasks moved to version 7.2.0 so I am moving this one as well.

Daniel Wisnewski commented 9 years ago

After review, I am closing this ticket. All issues have been resolved except for #3444 which is duplicated by #3443 and is a later-on/in progress ticket.

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