Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #601
Read All nodes pulls from null node (#601)
Daniel Wisnewski opened 9 years ago
Due Date

Reading from all nodes yields the following message

2015-11-12 14:44:16.401 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processPacket()  FINEST:  Processing packet: from=rest@lenovo-z585/577981c3-ba9e-4c8a-800a-8ace131bfcd5, to=null, DATA=<iq from="" type="get" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" id="3cb0bbd8-bf30-4c8e-977a-387dc4f4a1e9"><query xmlns=""/></iq>, SIZE=197, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=ADMIN, TYPE=get

The search for null node begins a stuck loop:

2015-11-12 14:44:16.402 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: Called for :
2015-11-12 14:44:16.402 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: No componentID matches (fast lookup against exact address):, for map: [vhost-man@lenovo-z585, message-archive@lenovo-z585, stats@lenovo-z585, proxy@lenovo-z585, ws2s@lenovo-z585, stun@lenovo-z585, c2s@lenovo-z585, amp@lenovo-z585, monitor@lenovo-z585, cluster-contr@lenovo-z585, basic-conf@lenovo-z585, pubsub@lenovo-z585, rest@lenovo-z585, eventbus@lenovo-z585, sess-man@lenovo-z585, muc@lenovo-z585, bosh@lenovo-z585, s2s@lenovo-z585]; trying VHost lookup
2015-11-12 14:44:16.402 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: No component name matches (VHost lookup against component name):, for map: [rest, vhost-man, c2s, amp, monitor, ws2s, bosh, stun, proxy, stats, eventbus, s2s, basic-conf, muc, message-archive, sess-man, cluster-contr, message-router, pubsub], for all VHosts: [,]; trying other forms of addressing
2015-11-12 14:44:16.403 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: Component match failed:, for comp: [rest, vhost-man, c2s, amp, monitor, ws2s, bosh, stun, proxy, stats, eventbus, s2s, basic-conf, muc, message-archive, sess-man, cluster-contr, message-router, pubsub], basename:
2015-11-12 14:44:16.403 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Processing disco query by: from=rest@lenovo-z585/577981c3-ba9e-4c8a-800a-8ace131bfcd5, to=null, DATA=<iq from="" type="get" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" id="3cb0bbd8-bf30-4c8e-977a-387dc4f4a1e9"><query xmlns=""/></iq>, SIZE=197, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=ADMIN, TYPE=get
2015-11-12 14:44:16.404 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: rest General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.404 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: rest Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.404 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: rest@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="HTTP server integration module"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.404 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: vhost-man General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.404 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: vhost-man Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.404 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: vhost-man@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="VHost Manager"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: c2s General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: c2s Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: c2s@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Client connection manager clustered"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: amp General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: amp Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: amp@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="IM AMP Support"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: monitor General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.405 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: monitor Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: monitor@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Monitor Component"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: ws2s General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: ws2s Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: ws2s@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Websocket connection manager clustered"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: bosh General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: bosh Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.406 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: bosh@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Bosh connection manager clustered"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.407 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: stun General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.407 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: stun Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.407 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: stun@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="STUN Component"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.407 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: proxy General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.407 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: proxy Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.407 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: proxy@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Socks5 Bytestreams Service"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: stats@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Server statistics" node="stats"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: eventbus General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: eventbus Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: eventbus@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Distributed EventBus"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: s2s General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: s2s Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.408 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: s2s@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="S2S connection manager"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: basic-conf General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: basic-conf Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: basic-conf@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Configuration management"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: muc General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: muc Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: muc@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Multi User Chat"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: message-archive General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: message-archive Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.409 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: message-archive@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Message Archiving (XEP-0136) Support"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.410 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: sess-man General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.410 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: sess-man Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.410 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: sess-man@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Session manager clustered, basic strategy"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.410 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: cluster-contr General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.410 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: cluster-contr Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.411 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: cluster-contr@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="Cluster controller"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.411 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: pubsub General disco items request, node: null
2015-11-12 14:44:16.411 [in_12-message-router]  BasicComponent.getDiscoItems()  FINEST: pubsub Disco items request for null node
2015-11-12 14:44:16.411 [in_12-message-router]  MessageRouter.processDiscoQuery()  FINEST: Localdomain:, DiscoItems processed by: pubsub@lenovo-z585, items: [<item jid="" name="PubSub"/>]
2015-11-12 14:44:16.414 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.processPacket()  FINEST:  Processing packet:, to=rest@lenovo-z585/577981c3-ba9e-4c8a-800a-8ace131bfcd5, DATA=<iq from="" type="result" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" id="3cb0bbd8-bf30-4c8e-977a-387dc4f4a1e9"><query xmlns=""><item jid="" name="HTTP server integration module"/><item jid="" name="VHost Manager"/><item jid="" name="Client connection manager clustered"/><item jid="" name="IM AMP Support"/><item jid="" name="Monitor Component"/><item jid="" name="Websocket connection manager clustered"/><item jid="" name="Bosh connection manager clustered"/><item jid="" name="STUN Component"/><item jid="" name="Socks5 Bytestreams Service"/><item jid="" name="Server statistics" node="stats"/><item jid="" name="Distributed EventBus"/><item jid="" name=" ... , SIZE=1509, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=NONE, TYPE=result
2015-11-12 14:44:16.415 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: Called for :
2015-11-12 14:44:16.415 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: No componentID matches (fast lookup against exact address):, for map: [vhost-man@lenovo-z585, message-archive@lenovo-z585, stats@lenovo-z585, proxy@lenovo-z585, ws2s@lenovo-z585, stun@lenovo-z585, c2s@lenovo-z585, amp@lenovo-z585, monitor@lenovo-z585, cluster-contr@lenovo-z585, basic-conf@lenovo-z585, pubsub@lenovo-z585, rest@lenovo-z585, eventbus@lenovo-z585, sess-man@lenovo-z585, muc@lenovo-z585, bosh@lenovo-z585, s2s@lenovo-z585]; trying VHost lookup
2015-11-12 14:44:16.415 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: No component name matches (VHost lookup against component name):, for map: [rest, vhost-man, c2s, amp, monitor, ws2s, bosh, stun, proxy, stats, eventbus, s2s, basic-conf, muc, message-archive, sess-man, cluster-contr, message-router, pubsub], for all VHosts: [,]; trying other forms of addressing
2015-11-12 14:44:16.416 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: Component match failed:, for comp: [rest, vhost-man, c2s, amp, monitor, ws2s, bosh, stun, proxy, stats, eventbus, s2s, basic-conf, muc, message-archive, sess-man, cluster-contr, message-router, pubsub], basename:
2015-11-12 14:44:16.416 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: Called for : rest@lenovo-z585/577981c3-ba9e-4c8a-800a-8ace131bfcd5
2015-11-12 14:44:16.416 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.getLocalComponent()  FINEST: No componentID matches (fast lookup against exact address): rest@lenovo-z585/577981c3-ba9e-4c8a-800a-8ace131bfcd5, for map: [vhost-man@lenovo-z585, message-archive@lenovo-z585, stats@lenovo-z585, proxy@lenovo-z585, ws2s@lenovo-z585, stun@lenovo-z585, c2s@lenovo-z585, amp@lenovo-z585, monitor@lenovo-z585, cluster-contr@lenovo-z585, basic-conf@lenovo-z585, pubsub@lenovo-z585, rest@lenovo-z585, eventbus@lenovo-z585, sess-man@lenovo-z585, muc@lenovo-z585, bosh@lenovo-z585, s2s@lenovo-z585]; trying VHost lookup
2015-11-12 14:44:16.416 [in_13-message-router]  MessageRouter.processPacket()  FINEST:  1. Packet will be processed by: rest@lenovo-z585,, to=rest@lenovo-z585/577981c3-ba9e-4c8a-800a-8ace131bfcd5, DATA=<iq from="" type="result" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" id="3cb0bbd8-bf30-4c8e-977a-387dc4f4a1e9"><query xmlns=""><item jid="" name="HTTP server integration module"/><item jid="" name="VHost Manager"/><item jid="" name="Client connection manager clustered"/><item jid="" name="IM AMP Support"/><item jid="" name="Monitor Component"/><item jid="" name="Websocket connection manager clustered"/><item jid="" name="Bosh connection manager clustered"/><item jid="" name="STUN Component"/><item jid="" name="Socks5 Bytestreams Service"/><item jid="" name="Server statistics" node="stats"/><item jid="" name="Distributed EventBus"/><item jid="" name=" ... , SIZE=1509, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=NONE, TYPE=result
2015-11-12 14:44:16.445 [in_10-message-router]  MessageRouter.processPacket()  FINEST:  Processing packet: from=rest@lenovo-z585/63838e29-c4dd-4558-905a-bc644cd98229, to=null, DATA=<iq from="" type="get" to="" xmlns="jabber:client" id="64ea27ea-9157-4531-8148-17f33d776df6"><query xmlns="" node=""/></iq>, SIZE=245, XMLNS=jabber:client, PRIORITY=NORMAL, PERMISSION=ADMIN, TYPE=get

Loop starts repeating after this since Tigase cannot parse 'null'

tigase-console.log tigase.log.0

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 9 years ago

I was not able to replicate this issue and when I execute this command using newest versions all looks OK.

Could you attach full logs of Tigase XMPP Server when this issue manifests?

Daniel Wisnewski commented 9 years ago

Attached logs,

Command works OK when using XML console, error shows when using admin interface.

(no information shows when Submit Query is hit).

Just checked Disco and seems to have a roudabout structure (pubsub>node>pubsub>node etc..) I will check database.

Daniel Wisnewski commented 9 years ago

Checked with fresh DB and install with latest build, behavior is the same.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 9 years ago

What you seen and think it is a loop is Admin UI quering every component of XMPP server for list of available adhoc commands. This is expected and done on every page load/refresh/submit. Each time iq query is addressed to different component.

As for command, now I see that it is not executed properly as no field is available so Admin UI is not able to properly use this command. Now I will work on this issue.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 9 years ago

I found solution for executing adhoc commands with no fields from Admin UI and applied it, so on new build it should work fine.

Changes are in Tigase PubSub Component and in Tigase HTTP API.

Daniel Wisnewski commented 9 years ago

Script runs to completion, works OK, closing issue.

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