Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #23
Adjust maven project - generating dist package (#23)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 1 decade ago

Excercise concept of full replacement ant with maven

Steffen Larsen commented 1 decade ago

Just some notes after talking with Artur:

  • We need one big zip and tar.gz file

  • The zip and tar.gz have to contain all the files required to run the server, database scripts, jar files, cert directory, etc....

  • Packages number to contain SVN rev number as well, the same way as they do now generated from ANT

  • The maven target could be: mvn dist

Steffen Larsen commented 1 decade ago


This one should not be that hard to implement. When do you plan to release 5.1 version?.. if not in the near future in january 2012, then I might be able to implement it for version 5.1.

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

We are planning to release final very, very soon. I am just walking through outstanding issues and pushing non-critical stuff over to the next version, and working on all critical. I expect to publish final within a week or two.

However, these maven modifications will most likely be included in version 5.1.1.

Steffen Larsen commented 1 decade ago

Ok super. Just say if you want my help for the maven part..

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

Thank you for the offer, I will keep that in mind. Your help would be really appreciated as none of us is Maven expert. This is why this task has been delayed for such a long time.

Steffen Larsen commented 1 decade ago

OK, put me as a assignee then, if Wojciech is busy with something else.

The basic task is to get everything maven'ized and get rid og ant and build.xml files, right?

As I wrote relier this year.. to have a dist target etc. vi maven.

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

I hope you will not feel offended if I say that I cannot assign you to the ticket as you are not the team member. Would it be possible for you to prepare files or diffs and attach them to the ticket. Wojciech would apply your modifications then.

On the other hand, if you are interested in joining our team, that would be possible as well, however, this may take some time as there is legal stuff involved.

Steffen Larsen commented 1 decade ago

No problem Artur.. I will make the patch like I did earlier with

Maybe later on when I have more time to dedicate I will join your team. I've been pushing some updates to tsung that might interest you concerning jabber test/snmp (what I am doing at the moment).

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

Or perhaps we are migrating to Cradle instead?

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 1 decade ago

due to strict requirement that tigase-server pom.xml should not have any additional dependencies included a separate modules handling distribution packages creation were created as well as one master project (module/master). goal package executed on master project will create exact packages as ant task. as discussed separately two dist packages are now available: minimal (with server, xmltools and utils) and full package with all modules as well as required dependencies.

Referenced from commit 9 months ago
Referenced from commit 9 months ago
Referenced from commit 9 months ago
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