<iq from='bartosz.malkowski@tigase.org' id='config1' xmlns='jabber:client' to='bartosz.malkowski@tigase.org/1953734496-tigase-7' type='result'>
<pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner'>
<configure node='eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl.devicelist'>
<x type='form' xmlns='jabber:x:data'>
<field type='hidden' var='FORM_TYPE'>
<field type='list-single' var='pubsub#node_type'>
<field type='text-single' label='A friendly name for the node' var='pubsub#title'/>
<field type='boolean' label='Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications' var='pubsub#deliver_payloads'>
<field var='pubsub#notify_config' type='boolean' label='Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes'>
<field type='boolean' var='pubsub#persist_items' label='Persist items to storage'>
<field var='pubsub#max_items' type='text-single' label='Max # of items to persist'>
<field type='text-single' var='pubsub#collection' label='The collection with which a node is affiliated'/>
<field var='pubsub#access_model' label='Specify the subscriber model' type='list-single'>
<field var='pubsub#publish_model' type='list-single' label='Specify the publisher model'>
<field label='When to send the last published item' type='list-single' var='pubsub#send_last_published_item'>
<field type='text-multi' label='The domains allowed to access this node (blank for any)' var='pubsub#domains'/>
<field type='boolean' var='pubsub#presence_based_delivery' label='Whether to deliver notifications to available users only'>
<field type='boolean' var='tigase#presence_expired' label='Whether to subscription expired when subscriber going offline.'>
<field type='text-multi' label='The XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.' var='pubsub#embedded_body_xslt'/>
<field type='text-single' label='The URL of an XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element.' var='pubsub#body_xslt'/>
<field label='Roster groups allowed to subscribe' var='pubsub#roster_groups_allowed' type='text-multi'/>
<field type='boolean' var='pubsub#notify_sub_aff_state' label='Notify subscribers when owner change their subscription or affiliation state'>
<field type='boolean' label='Allows get list of subscribers for each sybscriber' var='tigase#allow_view_subscribers'>
<field var='tigase#collection_items_odering' type='list-single' label='Whether to sort collection items by creation date or update time'>
Beagle is not able to publis device list:
Here is configuration of node: