Add support for deploying Sure.IM on Tigase HTTP API (#45)
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) opened 1 decade ago
Due Date

We need support for deploying Sure.IM on Tigase HTTP API, so Sure.IM could be used as our web monitoring and management interface for Tigase XMPP Server.

Propably we need to add possibility to package this as jar and implement possiblility to deploy as a Tigase HTTP API module.

ss-issue #1.png

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 1 decade ago

I added new module to Tigase HTTP API which looks for file in jars directory which starts with tigase-web-ui and contains .war suffix. If this file is found then module deploys Sure.IM project (Web XMPP client with management features) under "/ui" context.

So if file will be found then Sure.IM will be deployed and available by default under following URL: http://localhost:8080/ui/

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

Eric, please test the feature and let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.

Eric Dziewa commented 1 decade ago

Nothing major:

  • The links on top: and should maybe be changed to and doesn't resolve.

  • When there is a server restart, the web page doesn't know and when I click on something I get an endless left-right progress bar. Someone might think it is broken.

  • In relation to the above, there should be a log out button.

  • On Management>Configuration>List server if you confirm a component request then want to select a different component, you have to leave the List server and then click List server again.

  • Layout of 4 node's statistics on 1920x1080 monitor is messed up.

Building the war was troublesome. Was complaining about missing jaxmpp jars. I built the jaxmpp code and still same errors. Then I just took Jenkins compile and installed it with no trouble.

Overall, very nice!

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

Added subtasks for the issues listed by Eric, and closing this one.

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