Make groupping/section headers collapsible (and count total number of notifications) (#636)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 2 months ago

Currently we have invitations (presence) / Conversations / From outside the list. I was pondering suggesting moving presence sub to the bottom of the list but in such case one could miss incomming presence subscription. However it could be handy to be able to collapse those sections and only indicated that there are items needed to take action (number of presence sub).

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 2 months ago

Why this is problematic:

Especially without possibility to bulk-reject such presence ( #tigase/_clients/beagle-im#634 )

Artur Hefczyc commented 2 months ago

Yey, finally somebody has similar problems to me. Not that I enjoy you having the same problem but at least it is easier to discuss and find optimal solution if I am not the only one who has the problem. Sometimes I have several hundreds of presence requests and going through all of them is tedious and time consuming work.

This is especially true that dealing with subscription request require a few mouse clicks and moving cursor around. With the help of keyboard, it is a bit faster but still time consuming. I wonder how we could improve this. For example, if we had some kind of mini-icons or mini-buttons right on the items on the list, I could handle each request with a single click.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 2 months ago

Some time ago I had an idea to create "events/notifications" list. A separate view/window where all messages from unknown and presence notifications would be moved (possibly including call events and MUC invites also).

With that done, on the "main list" we would have "Conversations" only and a "button" on top to show events window (possibly visible only where there would be some events requiring an action - unread message from unknown or unresponded presence sub request or some invite). That would be a clean UI.

In the "events/notifications" view, we would have options to act on presence sub or other events.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 2 months ago

That sounds like a solution (and somewhat mimics what Psi has though it's implementation is very cumbersome as each event brings up dedicated window…).

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 2 months ago

Yey, finally somebody has similar problems to me. Not that I enjoy you having the same problem but at least it is easier to discuss and find optimal solution if I am not the only one who has the problem. Sometimes I have several hundreds of presence requests and going through all of them is tedious and time consuming work.

What is curious that for me it happens only on a single account: "wojciech.kapcia@…" and not on the other "wojtek@…" (or any of the accounts).

This is especially true that dealing with subscription request require a few mouse clicks and moving cursor around. With the help of keyboard, it is a bit faster but still time consuming. I wonder how we could improve this. For example, if we had some kind of mini-icons or mini-buttons right on the items on the list, I could handle each request with a single click.

Apart from other action-center suggestion I'd say that those "tiny actions on hover" wouldn't help much as you would still need to click a lot.

Right now you can select all items (click on first item, shift+click on last item) but then the only action is to block and there is no dismiss/reject (tigase/_clients/beagle-im#634).

Anyhow. Given that this is my secondary account (main one is "broken" for some reason) I just setup privacy list that blocks any presence/message from non-roster items as it was making xmpp virtually unusable…

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