Add bulk actions to selection (for example reject/ignore presence sub request) (#634)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 2 months ago

Currently we have "Block selected" (server/contact). It would be convenient to have "with selected": block (server/contact) or, if it's a presence request (reject/ignore). For chats it could be close&delete.

I'm currently blocking a lot of spam but I think most of it is single-use so simply removing it would be enough (without making the block list gigantic…)

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) referenced from other issue 2 months ago
Artur Hefczyc commented 2 months ago

Also, the dropdown menu for blocking or flagging as spam makes the process of clearing lots of requests very slow. It would be better to have just a few buttons which can be clicked right away.

And also, how about something like: "reject all from this domain"? Or a button to "reject all"? I mean, normally when I have 1 or just a few subscription requests I can deal with them in a proper way. That is check who sent this and then reject, accept, block or whatever. But when, sometimes, I have hundreds of requests there is no way to review all requests properly. I am rejecting all of them automatically without even looking at them. I wish I had a button to just reject all and clear the list.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 2 months ago

There is an option (if you select some entries) to use following menu option to block users that sent you messages/invites (or their domains as well). I think it works also for presence invites, if not then maybe it should?

Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-4 o 10.44.11.png

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 2 months ago

There is an option (if you select some entries) to use following menu option to block users that sent you messages/invites (or their domains as well). I think it works also for presence invites, if not then maybe it should?

It does work for presence (but not completely: #tigase/_clients/beagle-im#629).

However I was asking about option to remove / reject presence subscription WITHOUT blocking the contact - I already ended up with a blocklist of a couple of thousands of entries which doesn't make sense to inflate further so a simple mechanism to simply reject the presence sub (in bulk) would be nice (obviously better antispam would be even better ;) or for example an option, server-side, to block all messages with cyrylic characters as I don't speak that language and 100% of spam uses it =,=)

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