But this test results Success.
tigase server version is 8.1.0, directly running in idea IDE. works correctly.
tigase-tts-ng version is almost the last SNAPSHOT.
Have you modified the tests in any way? It seems so as originally it uses admin account.
Nevertheless - account removal is not part of the test itself so failure to remove the account won't trigger failure of the test (we don't test it here). Have you checked your server logs for why IQ stanza with the id eDgzlY7qiJCJyt9qeXiT7yu was not routed back to the client (jaxmpp running for tts-ng)?
But this test results Success. tigase server version is 8.1.0, directly running in idea IDE. works correctly. tigase-tts-ng version is almost the last SNAPSHOT.
the last output lines :
thanks for all of your works.