[ERROR] Run 1: DeprecationTest.test:54->checkClass:59->checkClassAnnotations:86 Class class tigase.util.JDBCAbstract should be removed in this version, deprecated since 3.3.11
Expected: version bigger than <4.1.0>
got: <4.1.0>
[ERROR] Run 2: DeprecationTest.test:54->checkClass:59->checkClassAnnotations:86 Class class tigase.util.JIDUtils should be removed in this version, deprecated since 3.3.8
Expected: version bigger than <4.1.0>
got: <4.1.0>
[ERROR] Run 3: DeprecationTest.test:54->checkClass:59->checkClassAnnotations:86 Class class tigase.util.datetime.DateTimeFormatter should be removed in this version, deprecated since 4.0.0
Expected: version bigger than <4.1.0>
got: <4.1.0>
[ERROR] Run 4: DeprecationTest.test:54->checkClass:59->checkClassAnnotations:86 Class class tigase.util.dns.DNSResolver should be removed in this version, deprecated since 3.5.0
Expected: version bigger than <4.1.0>
got: <4.1.0>
Applicable version: git/master
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 6 years ago
Caused by downstream build of tigase-utils and check for deprecated classes. Could you take a look?
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 6 years ago
Deprecated classes and methods were removed from the upcoming version of tigase-utils which fixes this issue.
tigase-server - Build # 2362 - Unstable:
Check console output at http://build.tigase.net/jenkins/job/tigase-server/2362/ to view the results.
Changes: No changes
Started by: Started by timer
https://build.tigase.net/jenkins/job/tigase-utils/2521/console :
Applicable version: git/master