Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 1 decade ago
STUN component works fine in JDK7, but it depends on jstun library which is not OSGi-fied by default so I created OSGi-fied version when I was working on this component. Now I recovered OSGi-fied version and uploaded it today to files section of STUN Component. Direct link to OSGi-fied version of jstun library https://projects.tigase.org/attachments/download/1241/jstun-0.7.3.jar. Note: JSTUN has it's own dependencies and libraries which are dependencies of JSTUN are also needed to be deployed as bundles in OSGi environment. This dependency is SLF4J API jar in version at least 1.6.4. |
Thanks. Dependency deployed to our maven repository and updated in project. |
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Recent switch to JDK7 rendered STUN component inoperable: