Projects tigase _server tigase-muc Issues #32
Behaviour not very clear in room creation (#32)
Won't Fix
Luca Piccarreta opened 1 decade ago

How to replicate:

  • User A connects

  • User A registers

  • User A logs in

  • User A binds

  • User A does not send presence available

  • User A sends presence to room B declaring MUC support

  • Tigase send "room is locked..." message but no presence

I think that either nothing or both message and presenc should be sent,

although I understand this is kind of a corner case.

Bartosz Małkowski commented 1 decade ago

What client are you using?

If you see messages from muc ("room is locked"), then it seems that muc knows you. So sending initial presence doesn't matter.

When you're creating new room, then by default room is locked until you submit room configuration. It may be default configuration of course.

See "The workflow for creating and configuring such rooms is as follows"

Luca Piccarreta commented 1 decade ago

The client used is a sort of an xmpp server regression test

In the example above, room B does not exist. It is being created.

When the user creating a room is not available Tigase sends you a

courtesy message ("room locked... please configure") but no muc presence.

When the user creating a room is available Tigase sends you a

courtesy message ("room locked... please configure") and a muc presence.

So... if a non available user creates a room, what should an Xmpp Server do?

I don't know actually, but if Tigase sends MUC messages, it should also send

presence messages.

What happens is that if a client is not available, it can create rooms, but

is never informed that it entered that room.


Bartosz Małkowski commented 1 decade ago

Would you like to check it again? I completely rewrote PresenceModule. Thanks :)

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