As we are going to separate each component documentation from the main server we should create an asciidoc documentation within repository. It should contain (probably parts could be moved from wiki, if applicable):
basic component overview;
configuration and it's options;
schema description (and possible schema upgrade, vide #3994#note-10)
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 8 years ago
I prepared documentation for this project with configuration description and description of database schemas.
I skipped usage of custom implementation of repositories as I think they are not needed here - I will mention them in UA documentation when they are needed.
%wojtek Please review documentation if all what is needed is there.
Wojciech Kapcia commented 8 years ago
Component allows user to search for messages with all users stored in archive. In this case when with attribute is omitted chat element of response will not contain with attribute but every to and from element will contain with attribute. - it looks like it lacks formatting which makes it hard to read and harder to understand;
it would be good to include possible archive levels and what they will include (section Setting default value of archiving level for message on a server and following one)
Required Attribures lack formatting as well
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 8 years ago
I fixed issues from first 2 points.
As for not including possible list of values for setting. I assumed they were not needed as I provided link to XEP which contained values and descriptions.
Required Attribures lack formatting as well
I do not know what I should do here? or how to change it? This part is copied from Tigase XMPP Server Admin Guide.
Wojciech Kapcia commented 8 years ago
Thanks for the addition and fixes of formatting. While it's true that specification has this description I think that it's more handy to have a brief list of possible options in our documentation.
As we are going to separate each component documentation from the main server we should create an asciidoc documentation within repository. It should contain (probably parts could be moved from wiki, if applicable):
basic component overview;
configuration and it's options;
schema description (and possible schema upgrade, vide #3994#note-10)