Projects tigase _server tigase-http-api Issues #79
Support for<localpart> or muc (#79) opened 6 years ago

A couple of IM solutions support web-linking to your ID providing instructions how to connect to the network:

After MUC chat Artur confirmed that we should add something like that commented 6 years ago

[17:19:15] wlasnie zauwazylem, ze conversations/ejabberd ma mod dla ejabberd z zaproszeniami do pokojow (i potencjalnie innych adresow):

AFAIR alternatywy maja cos zblizonego (na przyklad telegram: -- i w sumie jezelibysmy szli w upraszczanie adresowania dla klientów to można by sie pokusić o - imho zrobienie rest handlera powinno byc dosyc proste, a mozna by nakierowac uzytkownikow na nasze oprogramowanie //cc Andrzej? [17:25:26] tak to ciekawa funkcja [17:33:13] jestem za tym zeby dodac cos takiego u nas

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 6 years ago

Both of the solutions above are based on XMPP URI support internally -> those are just web pages with instructions and links to ie.

With that, there is an issue. Apple on macOS no longer allows apps to register for links - they've just added permissions to do so and no way to allow an app to gain this permission if the application works in "containerized" mode which is more secure and suggested by Apple.

With that in mind, those solutions will not work on iOS and macOS - or at least I've not found a solution for that about a month ago.

@wojtek @kobit Should we still do that? ie. looking for an alternative way to do so? commented 6 years ago

@andrzej.wojcik "containerized" as in those distributed via app-store?

Apart from that - I'm aware that they use XMPP URI, but I'd argue that 0,000001% of the population is aware about those ;) and this easy looking introduction how to use it simply makes sense.

Regarding whether or not do it: apple devices accounts for relatively small chunk of user-facing devices (Windows, Android) where this feature should still without problem thus I would +1 implementing it, but it's up to @kobit

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 6 years ago

@wojtek I know that we want that also for Android devices. I mentioned only to mark that there may be some inconsistency.

And "containerized" means that app cannot access files outside its own directory and is not enforced by AppStore but strongly suggested. commented 6 years ago

I mean - this future is mostly server side so it highly depends on the end user environment either way… we can't force anything on apple, but if they block XMPP URI we can (on this page) point to a guide how to handle contacts in Beagle/Siskin as well. batch edited 7 months ago
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