Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 6 years ago
Test added and new build |
I checked https://tc.tigase.net/viewLog.html?buildId=2933&buildTypeId=TigaseTtsNgTests_Setup&tab=buildLog and test failed:
When checking the configuration (https://tc.tigase.net/admin/editRunType.html?id=buildType:TigaseTtsNgTests_Setup&runnerId=RUNNER_75&cameFromUrl=%2Fadmin%2FeditBuildRunners.html%3Fid%3DbuildType%253ATigaseTtsNgTests_Setup%26init%3D1&cameFromTitle=) - maybe we could/should put those scripts in repository as we did previously (https://github.com/tigase/private/tree/master/tts-runner/scripts) - that way it's easier to have consistent configuration for all test-run builds and track changes. https://github.com/tigase/private/tree/master/tts-runner/scripts |
As for scripts, we can do that, but making changes and pushing them to the repository just to check config was problematic. It was easier to create a script here and for now, it will only work on the As for the error, it was expected - |
I think we should still add redirections from https://tc.tigase.net/viewLog.html?buildId=3257&buildTypeId=TigaseTtsNgTests_Setup&tab=buildLog:
https://build.tigase.net/nightlies/tts-ng-tests/#tigase.tests.setup.TestSetup -> (eg): https://build.tigase.net/nightlies/tts-ng-tests/test-results/8.1.0-SNAPSHOT-b10427/tigase.tests.setup.TestSetup/derby/html/index.html Tests are not run, according to log server (e.g. https://build.tigase.net/nightlies/tts-ng-tests/test-results/8.1.0-SNAPSHOT-b10427/tigase.tests.setup.TestSetup/derby/server-log/tigase-console.log) there is a problem with binding to port 8080:
@wojtek So it looks like there is something which took over port 8080 which is default port and we wanted to test web installer with the default configuration. Now it looks like it is not possible, so what you would like to do? |
@andrzej.wojcik It looks that way, however it seems that it was running previously just fine so… investigation time: https://tc.tigase.net/viewLog.html?buildId=5215&buildTypeId=TigaseTtsNgTests_Listeners&tab=buildLog#_state=24
Basically it looks like previous run left residual Tigase Server running hence issues with testing installer (and tests altogether). I'd say we should:
Old instances stopped, script modified and tests restarted. |
There were a couple of fixes but it works now well. |
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Candidate for next minor release
We should add test for the /setup as well (especially case with default, empty config)