Projects tigase _server tigase-http-api Issues #60
Some REST handlers doesn't work correctly with MongoDB (#60)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 7 years ago

Some rest endpoints doesn't work with MongoDB (for example tigase-http-api/src/scripts/groovy/tigase/rest/user/UserAdmin.groovy) as they use call to tigase.db.UserRepository#getUserUID to verify if user exists:

def uid = service.getUserRepository().getUserUID(jid);
if (uid <= 0) {

and in case of mongo it always returns 0:

 * Should be removed as only relational DB are using this and it is not required by any other code
 * {@inheritDoc}
public long getUserUID(BareJID user) throws TigaseDBException {
	return 0;

I think we should review all code that depends on this method for user checking (not only in http-api)

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 7 years ago

Afterwards installation should be updated (#6493)

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 7 years ago

I've reviewed usages of getUserUID() and fixed them. UID is displayed/returned by REST API, so I've left it as it was (it is retrieved), but I'm no longer using it for checking if user exists - for that userExists() method is used.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 7 years ago is updated with new version of Tigase XMPP Server which contains this fix.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 7 years ago

There was an issue in AuditLog which was part of the build installed at Tigase Kernel creates instance of beans during processing and due to that license checker for auditlog was installed even though AuditLog component was not enabled! I've fixed it by delaying license checking to the initialization stage of the AuditLog component bean.

This will work just fine, but I wonder if there is no similar issue in clustered versions of PubSub and MUC, as I created license checking for AuditLog based on code used for license checking for PubSub? Wojtek, is it possible that each instance used in clustered mode (even without ACS) is still trying to retrieve license?

If so, then we need to modify clustered versions of PubSub and MUC in the same way as AuditLog was modified.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 6 years ago

I've updated acs-muc and acs-pubsub and verified that it works.

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