Projects tigase _server tigase-http-api Issues #118
Adjust installer licence page to only show AGPL licence if no commercial component present (#118)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 4 years ago

As per parent task:

Installer should adjust licence step based on presence on commercial/licenced components (if there are none present then it should only show AGPL licence without "scary" commercial one); we could probably use annotation "LicencesComponent" or somesuch to make it easier

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

I've added a check looking for a LicenceChecker as it is an essential part of our commercial components - if missing I've decided to show AGPL license. Please review changes and merge them -

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

I checked it and following changes should also be made:

  1. title of the page / title in header / section name should be adjusted as well; maybe we could just use "License"?
  2. the input filed should be removed in AGPL variant and should not be required.

Optional: a) can we inline AGPL licence in the main installer page?

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

@wojtek Input field is required as it's value is required on the server side - this way server decides if you can move on or cannot. I would prefer not to change that and "enforcing" acknowledgement is not a bad this.

As for inlining - we can, but I thought keeping the installer simple would be better, and being able to print "license" is a nice thing (it is easy as it is a separate page).

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

Input field is required as it's value is required on the server side - this way server decides if you can move on or cannot. I would prefer not to change that and "enforcing" acknowledgement is not a bad this.

Well, then maybe at least changing the wording for FOSS version from "To confirm please enter your name or company name below" to something like "Type 'agree' to continue" or somesuch?

As for inlining - we can, but I thought keeping the installer simple would be better, and being able to print "license" is a nice thing (it is easy as it is a separate page).

Pondering this use case - have you ever printed the licence text? Do you print a lot of things nowadays, considering that you can make virtually anything "digital"?

The installer page can still be simple, with additional dive and correctly set overflow so the licence text would be scrollable without pushing down the form fields IMHO.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 4 years ago


Pondering this use case - have you ever printed the licence text? Do you print a lot of things nowadays, considering that you can make virtually anything "digital"?

Well, you are right. I do not print but I recall saving licenses in form of a PDF and sending them for review to someone making a decision if we can use the library or software under the following license.

The installer page can still be simple, with additional dive and correctly set overflow so the licence text would be scrollable without pushing down the form fields IMHO.

Ok, I will use something like iframe. I still think that the whole license in the setup form is not a good idea, but that is just my opinion.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

I pondered it a little bit more and you might be right with presenting the licencing terms to "higher power" though in this case plain "AGPL" should be enough in that case. And if "printed" form is required then new page seems ok.

Let's leave it as is and just adjust titles and wording in the form.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

As requested, I've removed the field to enter the company name from FOSS version (we are not used this value, so I've replaced it with hidden field with static value). I've changed "title" to License in both cases.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

Looks good now.

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