Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #594
Storing Message Delivery Receipts sent to offline user (#594)
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) opened 9 years ago
Due Date

As reported in message#5898 , message delivery receipts sent to offline user are not stored in offline storage.

I think it is worth to consider if message delivery receipts should be stored to offline store or not. I think it might be a good idea to store them by default.

Artur Hefczyc commented 9 years ago

I agree. Please estimate work effort and then we can decide for which version this will be implemented.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 9 years ago

I set estimated time including creation of proper test for this feature.

If we want additional property to disable this enabled by default feature then please add 1 hour to time estimated by me.

Artur Hefczyc commented 9 years ago

Then, go ahead with implementation. I added an additional hour.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 9 years ago

I added storage of message delivery receipts to offline store by default.

I also changed implementation of mechanism to allow storage of additional type of packets to offline store developed in #2426. Now settings passed by this feature override default storage features.

Now it is possible to set:


which will result in storage of:

  • message with received subelement with xmlns set to urn:xmpp:receipts

  • message with store-offline subelement without checking for xmlns

and will stop storage of:

  • message with do-not-store element

Messages will be checked first by matchers and if any of them will match then result returned by this mather will override default settings and will override any other matcher which is listed later in matchers list.

This way it is possible to override any default setting and create custom order of matchers used to decide if message will be stored or not.

Artur Hefczyc commented 9 years ago


Do we have this documented somewhere? I mean this extension and all other extensions we have done to the UA?

I think our UA implementation deserves good documentation if we want people to start using it.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 9 years ago

This is additional feature created for Tigase XMPP Server and is not related to UA in any way.

As for UA and it's feature, it was developed as extension for clients only and project is not public so we did not need any documentation for users, as mostly it use was suggested by use with relation to particular feature.

Also features were added based on particular project and I think there is no list of all features available in UA.

I think it may be good to create on project wiki list of features with proper configuration options - if so then I think it would be good to create new task for this.

But I still have tasks #3543, #3548 and #3542 which I think should be done in new version of UA (Message Archiving 2.0.0 and UA 2.0.0 for Tigase XMPP Server 7.2.0) as this is rather big change in storage and repository implementation. I would rather prepare documentation for 2.0.0 when I do this listed tasks as they may change configuration options for UA and MA.

Artur Hefczyc commented 9 years ago

Understand, thank you for explanation.

Daniel Wisnewski commented 9 years ago

Added documentation to AMP section in Admin Guide.

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