Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #437
Blocking Command (#437)
Behnam Hatami opened 10 years ago
Due Date

As I see the source code, tigase doesn't support Blocking Command (XEP-0191[[]]). I know blocking can be done by privacy lists, but I think this is mutch simpler for users.

So I used [[]] as my base code and write a blocking command plugin. I tested it, and I think it worked well. I think if you are agree, add this feature to tigase.

Artur Hefczyc commented 10 years ago


We plan to add support for simple blocking extension in the future. Thank you for your interest in this extension. Expressing it is one of the ways to make us reconsider future development plans.

However, please do not submit patches with code that is not yours. We need the source code original author consent before we can accept a patch, especially that this code is available under a license which is incompatible with our license.

Behnam Hatami commented 10 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

I should say that the source of the code on the github is under GPLV3[[]] and I almost modified all the code and rewrite it(their code is a modified version of privacy plugin of the tigase server code [I don't know they have this permision to re-licence their code from AGPLv3 to GPLv3 because of this usage]), and redistribute it under GPLv3, and as I know due to wikipedia[[]] "GPLv3 and AGPLv3(due to this link [[]] tigase is under AGPLv3) each include clases (in section 13 of each license) that together achieve a form of mutual compatibility for the two licenses".

So I think the merge request for this file hasn't any licence violation. any how if there is a problem, I can contact to the github owner that any relicening is allowed or not.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 10 years ago

Artur, assigning to you for the licencing comment.

Artur Hefczyc commented 10 years ago

Wojciech, we simply have to implement it on our own without looking at the referenced code.

Behnam, thank you for your comments about licensing. We have to look at it ourselves. We generally have no objections about people using or modifying our code as long as the original ownership information is preserved and license is violated. In this particular case it not that clear but I do not see any problem either. However, I prefer not to use somebody else code without his clear consent.

Behnam Hatami commented 10 years ago

Hi Wojciech,

if there isn't any problem, I try to contact them to see if they agree to submit there code by them selves. (but as I say, I think there isn't any problem about their code usage with my little knowledge about licening).

Daniele Ricci commented 10 years ago


I've attached my original code. I therefore accept the source disclaimer for this file to be included in Tigase, wherever you will include my version or Behnam's.

Behnam, you're free to use code from Kontalk as long as you publish it back in a public repository of yours or sending a patch to the project (as per GPL terms).

Artur Hefczyc commented 10 years ago

Thank you Daniele.

Behnam Hatami commented 10 years ago


This is my final version of the Blocking command, It supports all scenarios and submit error messages due to XEP-0191. It is based on "Daniele Ricci"'s code.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 10 years ago

Included in the repository, thank you.

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