Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #419
User id (#419)
Behnam Hatami opened 1 decade ago
Due Date


I was migrating from mysql to postgre sql but i recognized a problem, mysql string comparison isn't case sensitive, so all the functionality for usernames with uppercase characters worked,

but when I moved to postgre sql, login and logout procedures don't work. is there any reason you keep usernames lowercase in the program and not in the database? and if you have this assumption that all usernames are lowercase, why when you trying to computing sha1 of a username you lower case the username?

Artur Hefczyc commented 1 decade ago

Wojciech, please take a look at the PostgreSQL implementation in Tigase to fix the problem with login when migrating form MySQL to PostgreSQL.

Behnam, the XMPP specification (RFC) says that users can put either upper or lower case characters in the username or domain, however, the server must not be case sensitive when processing users' IDs. As a result we store in DB users' IDs the way they were entered by users but the logic is (or should be) case insensitive. It looks like the code works correctly for MySQL but it needs improvements for PostgreSQL.

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 1 decade ago

Artur Hefczyc wrote:

Wojciech, please take a look at the PostgreSQL implementation in Tigase to fix the problem with login when migrating form MySQL to PostgreSQL.

Actually Login/Logoff in principle were working correctly. Only problem was with updating values of failed logins and online status, which are not always useful (issues with connectivity resulting in wrong values).

I've corrected the schema in those parts and also, for performance reasons, changed the main index to use lowercase @user_id@.

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