Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #161
postgres db creation script (#161)
tom quas opened 1 decade ago

i modified the script so that it's working. feel free to replace the non-working one currently in the repo...

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 1 decade ago

Can you elaborate how it was not working and how you fix the issue? Mentioned file is intended for to use with the IzPack Tigase installer which, in turn, substitutes variables in the file with ones provided during installation.

tom quas commented 1 decade ago

Wojciech Kapcia wrote:

Can you elaborate how it was not working and how you fix the issue? Mentioned file is intended for to use with the IzPack Tigase installer which, in turn, substitutes variables in the file with ones provided during installation.

aah, now i understand where these weird variable setting come from ;)

i replaced ${var} with default postgres variables (\set). while at it, i also patched two more files so i run this from the shell:

  $ su - postgres
  $  psql -f database/postgresql-schema-5-1.sql

izpack? my personal opinion: installers are pretty lame when it comes to maintaining clusters; i'd rather see more focus on decent setup scripts in tigase.

tom quas commented 1 decade ago

one more...

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 1 decade ago

There are shellscripts intended to create DB (mysql/derby/pg) located in scripts/

tom quas commented 1 decade ago

Wojciech Kapcia wrote:

There are shellscripts intended to create DB (mysql/derby/pg) located in scripts/

yeah, but i was never convinced it would work as promoted. there is duplication of sql statements in shell and sql scripts. IMHO, it's not entirely clear what's going on w/o reading code all over the place. sorry, but honestly, i'm a litte disappointed with the devops experience. so i decided to make sure i understand what's going on by putting database statements where they belong: in a sql script.

tom quas commented 1 decade ago

ran into an issue with postgres scripting that pretty much ruins the approach, namely

\c :db 

which is currently missing from postgresql-installer-create-db.sql. nevermind.

tom quas commented 1 decade ago

erm, i can't close this ticket, would you mind...? thx.

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