Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #1486
Only 1 thread processes all connection requests and queue overflows (#1486)
Unknown opened 2 years ago

Components distribute the load to the different threads and queues according to the hash code calculation of a packet. Session manager respectively checks not null values of packet.getPacketFrom, packet.getPacketTo and packet.getStanzaTo().getBareJID().

For the initial connection establishment process, starting from the STREAM_OPENED to the TLS_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE commands, the same thread processes all connection attempts. The reason for that is hashCodeForPacket calculated according to the same value sess-man@HOSTNAME.

Example tigase.stats.sess_man_Processed_packets_thread_IN results in our test env after some period of time. image

To resolve this bottleneck, shouldn't we use connection id for better thread distribution?

An example from my local machine. AbstractMessageReceiver.addPacket and addPacketNB logs while opening a stream. QueueIdx is calculated by sess-man@localhost. (I have 10 CPU core in my machine). Every connection request will end up in queues 6 and 46. Instead, queueIdx could be calculated according to c2s@localhost/ This would speed up connection establishment process. Better thread utilization Less risk for queue overflow.

  1. QueueIdx: 6 NAME: message-router TYPE: set ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: STREAM_OPENED PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  2. QueueIdx: 46 NAME: sess-man TYPE: set ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: STREAM_OPENED PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  3. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: message-router TYPE: result ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: null PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/
  4. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: c2s TYPE: result ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: null PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/
  5. QueueIdx: 6 NAME: message-router TYPE: get ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  6. QueueIdx: 46 NAME: sess-man TYPE: get ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  7. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: message-router TYPE: result ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/
  8. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: c2s TYPE: result ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/
  9. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: message-router TYPE: null ELEM_NAME: starttls PACKET_FROM: c2s@localhost/ PACKET_TO: sess-man@localhost STANZA_FROM: null STANZA_TO: null
  10. QueueIdx: 96 NAME: sess-man TYPE: null ELEM_NAME: starttls PACKET_FROM: c2s@localhost/ PACKET_TO: sess-man@localhost STANZA_FROM: null STANZA_TO: null
  11. QueueIdx: 39 NAME: message-router TYPE: set ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: STARTTLS PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/
  12. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: c2s TYPE: set ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: STARTTLS PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/
  13. QueueIdx: 6 NAME: message-router TYPE: set ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: TLS_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  14. QueueIdx: 46 NAME: sess-man TYPE: set ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: TLS_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  15. QueueIdx: 6 NAME: message-router TYPE: get ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  16. QueueIdx: 46 NAME: sess-man TYPE: get ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: null PACKET_TO: null STANZA_FROM: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_TO: sess-man@localhost
  17. QueueIdx: 16 NAME: c2s TYPE: result ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/ 18.QueueIdx: 16 NAME: message-router TYPE: result ELEM_NAME: iq COMMAND: GETFEATURES PACKET_FROM: sess-man@localhost PACKET_TO: c2s@localhost/ STANZA_FROM: sess-man@localhost STANZA_TO: c2s@localhost/

Tigase version: 8.1.0 JVM flavour and version : openjdk 11.0.7 2020-04-14 Operating system/distribution/version : Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS INTEL(R) XEON(R) PLATINUM 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHZ GNU/Linux - 1 CPU - 2 virtual CPU - 4.06G RAM

Unknown commented 2 years ago

Thank you for analysing this and the comments. Indeed, in this case the distribution may be sub-optimal. What's more, in mobile environments stream opening may be more frequent than actual stanza exchanges due to frequent reconnections, which could further emphasise the issue. Idea behind hashCodeForPacket() is to preserve order of packets for particular user/session, and if session is not yet established, then using packet from seems like a good idea. Feel free to submit Pull Request with proposed changes, and we will gladly review and merge it.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

Thanks @woj-tek I am preparing a pull request. Do you have a suggestion for verifying order of the packets? It would be great to know must have test scenarios and maybe a recommendation to automate the process.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

We do have (and also older, legacy and not maintained which could catch those. Though, in this case, using packetFrom should still maintain correct ordering of packets as incoming ones from the same connection would be processed by the same thread (and queue)

Unknown commented 2 years ago

In my tests, packetFrom was null initially. Please take a look at the logs that I shared. I am considering using packet.getStanzaFrom() or packet.getStanzaFrom().getResource() like

Unknown commented 2 years ago

@woj-tek PR is ready for review PR 179

Unknown commented 2 years ago

Simple test statistics:

2500 connections, plain connect/disconnect

before change:

c2s/Processed packets thread IN=[783, 804, 749, 737, 758, 779, 814, 791, 852, 864, 911, 840, 875, 909, 959, 965, 933, 931, 932, 923, 901, 887, 902, 963, 922, 868, 667, 808, 835, 779, 810, 821, 854, 795, 768, 794, 797, 794, 757, 783]
c2s/Processed packets thread OUT=[521, 531, 495, 496, 503, 520, 539, 522, 567, 580, 602, 558, 586, 603, 637, 639, 620, 621, 621, 612, 603, 585, 603, 639, 10579, 577, 425, 540, 557, 522, 538, 546, 567, 530, 513, 530, 532, 531, 504, 520]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 840,00, deviation: 71,20, outliers: [in_26-c2s:667:x0,79]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 807,00, deviation: 1565,35, outliers: [out_24-c2s:10579:x13,11]
sess-man/Processed packets thread IN=[278, 315, 297, 298, 314, 340, 359, 324, 315, 290, 287, 252, 270, 270, 270, 252, 252, 288, 315, 324, 306, 279, 288, 306, 315, 298, 270, 234, 234, 243, 278, 313, 342, 305, 298, 314, 333, 342, 306, 287, 243, 216, 198, 198, 189, 180, 180, 198, 252, 10257, 315, 306, 2154, 333, 367, 387, 368, 333, 306, 288, 297, 306, 315, 333, 297, 279, 2000, 306, 323, 279, 260, 233, 225, 225, 215, 216, 199, 189, 198, 233]
sess-man/Processed packets thread OUT=[326, 372, 349, 340, 367, 395, 421, 382, 367, 335, 340, 297, 318, 2787, 314, 297, 296, 336, 371, 381, 353, 330, 336, 359, 370, 351, 321, 274, 274, 282, 326, 364, 401, 355, 346, 362, 384, 395, 358, 335, 283, 255, 235, 232, 223, 210, 213, 235, 296, 337, 370, 357, 2841, 391, 432, 455, 430, 388, 354, 338, 347, 362, 365, 391, 348, 325, 210, 354, 375, 323, 304, 274, 264, 263, 251, 255, 7683, 222, 231, 274]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 449,00, deviation: 1139,54, outliers: [in_49-sess-man:10257:x22,84]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 482,00, deviation: 900,08, outliers: [out_13-sess-man:2787:x5,78, out_52-sess-man:2841:x5,89, out_76-sess-man:7683:x15,94]
message-router/Processed packets thread IN=[1130, 1158, 1079, 1068, 1093, 1125, 1173, 1139, 1230, 11219, 1312, 1212, 1266, 3781, 1383, 1391, 1346, 1345, 1346, 1331, 1303, 1277, 1304, 1389, 1330, 1253, 956, 1168, 1206, 1127, 1168, 1184, 1232, 1148, 1110, 1147, 16027, 1148, 1093, 1129]
message-router/Processed packets thread OUT=[2470]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 1895,00, deviation: 2774,61, outliers: [in_9-message-router:11219:x5,92, in_36-message-router:16027:x8,46]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 2470,00, deviation: 0,00

with proposed change

c2s/Processed packets thread IN=[862, 905, 943, 916, 912, 922, 941, 920, 930, 929, 968, 920, 879, 873, 834, 878, 789, 795, 776, 822, 779, 768, 755, 769, 824, 785, 774, 822, 846, 838, 820, 791, 816, 873, 848, 864, 833, 888, 838, 847]
c2s/Processed packets thread OUT=[820, 858, 896, 870, 870, 871, 897, 871, 885, 884, 923, 871, 846, 833, 794, 832, 754, 754, 741, 780, 741, 728, 715, 728, 780, 741, 740, 780, 807, 794, 780, 755, 781, 832, 806, 819, 793, 845, 794, 806]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 852,00, deviation: 57,48, outliers: [in_10-c2s:968:x1,14]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 810,00, deviation: 54,82, outliers: [out_10-c2s:923:x1,14]
sess-man/Processed packets thread IN=[403, 442, 441, 428, 441, 455, 468, 429, 391, 351, 351, 338, 338, 338, 338, 364, 364, 429, 481, 533, 520, 507, 481, 494, 494, 429, 391, 338, 299, 286, 286, 287, 299, 312, 338, 377, 403, 455, 442, 416, 417, 416, 455, 442, 429, 416, 429, 442, 494, 533, 572, 533, 2107, 495, 456, 468, 390, 325, 260, 247, 221, 221, 234, 234, 286, 312, 2463, 442, 508, 508, 494, 468, 482, 520, 468, 442, 390, 390, 352, 390]
sess-man/Processed packets thread OUT=[520, 549, 554, 547, 561, 562, 567, 527, 480, 441, 447, 443, 436, 432, 423, 445, 449, 504, 544, 577, 564, 546, 523, 543, 551, 499, 474, 428, 410, 421, 424, 427, 435, 438, 459, 485, 504, 533, 506, 470, 465, 455, 490, 478, 472, 460, 477, 509, 559, 601, 632, 608, 581, 578, 547, 562, 495, 438, 380, 381, 371, 375, 380, 376, 412, 427, 460, 517, 547, 533, 515, 480, 493, 526, 493, 484, 442, 462, 457, 500]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 451,00, deviation: 306,34, outliers: [in_52-sess-man:2107:x4,67, in_66-sess-man:2463:x5,46]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 488,00, deviation: 60,39, outliers: [out_50-sess-man:632:x1,30]
message-router/Processed packets thread IN=[1927, 1981, 2064, 2021, 2029, 2017, 2064, 2034, 2049, 2051, 2130, 2056, 1994, 1973, 1892, 1967, 1828, 1826, 1793, 1866, 1808, 1779, 1746, 1777, 1871, 1794, 1800, 1847, 1883, 1870, 1837, 1776, 1821, 1908, 1874, 1906, 1856, 1960, 1881, 1899]
message-router/Processed packets thread OUT=[2481]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 1911,00, deviation: 100,42, outliers: [in_10-message-router:2130:x1,11]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 2481,00, deviation: 0,00

2500 connections, 10 messages send:

before changes:

c2s/Processed packets thread IN=[1207, 1209, 1234, 1151, 1156, 1153, 1126, 1228, 1107, 1142, 1178, 1283, 1259, 1188, 1288, 1270, 1326, 1241, 1319, 1295, 1325, 1304, 1283, 1332, 1405, 1437, 983, 1310, 1247, 1375, 1281, 1267, 1259, 1404, 1337, 1304, 1280, 1267, 1270, 1166]
c2s/Processed packets thread OUT=[1601, 1607, 1628, 1529, 1530, 1506, 1479, 1603, 1462, 1492, 1546, 1661, 1597, 1533, 1649, 1634, 1699, 1603, 1695, 1663, 1694, 1665, 1633, 1682, 11733, 1815, 1197, 1675, 1594, 1752, 1633, 1636, 1616, 1812, 1743, 1704, 1667, 1667, 1662, 1548]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 1254,00, deviation: 88,55, outliers: [in_25-c2s:1437:x1,15, in_26-c2s:983:x0,78]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 1871,00, deviation: 1582,66, outliers: [out_24-c2s:11733:x6,27]
sess-man/Processed packets thread IN=[1039, 1115, 1103, 952, 958, 973, 998, 1006, 885, 812, 690, 721, 699, 808, 837, 788, 835, 914, 1101, 1182, 1273, 1323, 1245, 1255, 1282, 1406, 1208, 1104, 926, 930, 904, 893, 861, 972, 874, 879, 876, 965, 1021, 919, 891, 825, 869, 924, 922, 888, 846, 960, 941, 11022, 1204, 1304, 2507, 1076, 1158, 1192, 1217, 1033, 990, 818, 775, 697, 732, 760, 811, 757, 1537, 928, 1009, 1179, 1087, 1114, 1115, 1185, 1214, 1191, 1109, 1049, 980, 990]
sess-man/Processed packets thread OUT=[708, 749, 757, 641, 662, 689, 701, 706, 626, 597, 502, 534, 520, 3073, 631, 591, 630, 691, 814, 861, 933, 967, 907, 917, 924, 1015, 867, 790, 674, 678, 654, 643, 620, 693, 613, 628, 617, 669, 725, 640, 630, 592, 620, 665, 655, 18363, 613, 693, 665, 752, 838, 921, 3394, 763, 820, 842, 860, 711, 712, 585, 560, 509, 543, 571, 613, 578, 330, 694, 740, 865, 808, 809, 819, 852, 865, 841, 8231, 744, 686, 695]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 1141,00, deviation: 1137,95, outliers: [in_49-sess-man:11022:x9,66]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 1086,00, deviation: 2153,06, outliers: [out_45-sess-man:18363:x16,91, out_76-sess-man:8231:x7,58]
message-archive/Processed packets thread IN=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17634, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
message-archive/Processed packets thread OUT=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
message-archive/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 440,00, deviation: 2753,11, outliers: [in_5-message-archive:17634:x40,08]
message-archive/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 0,00, deviation: 0,00
message-router/Processed packets thread IN=[3355, 3358, 3446, 3268, 3287, 3292, 3245, 3453, 3200, 13267, 3334, 3564, 3461, 5832, 3544, 3499, 3638, 3429, 3701, 3539, 3642, 3578, 3537, 3603, 3731, 3851, 2846, 3609, 3442, 3740, 3557, 3542, 3509, 3797, 3655, 3634, 18347, 3527, 3504, 3336]
message-router/Processed packets thread OUT=[2471]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 4167,00, deviation: 2760,29, outliers: [in_9-message-router:13267:x3,18, in_36-message-router:18347:x4,40]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 2471,00, deviation: 0,00

With included changes

c2s/Processed packets thread IN=[1178, 1171, 1245, 1191, 1173, 1218, 1222, 1320, 1336, 1296, 1358, 1524, 1475, 1545, 1598, 1620, 1771, 1728, 1591, 1655, 1634, 1555, 1544, 1518, 1447, 1369, 919, 1177, 1264, 1300, 1238, 1278, 1192, 1180, 1149, 1220, 1278, 1223, 1281, 1204]
c2s/Processed packets thread OUT=[1746, 1755, 1778, 1771, 1743, 1819, 1809, 1886, 1935, 1821, 1991, 2131, 2101, 2158, 2224, 2305, 2382, 2305, 2221, 2216, 2223, 2200, 2181, 2171, 2127, 2010, 1549, 1813, 1800, 1908, 1880, 1895, 1864, 1789, 1856, 1835, 1905, 1809, 1894, 1820]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 1354,00, deviation: 190,79, outliers: [in_16-c2s:1771:x1,31, in_26-c2s:919:x0,68]
c2s/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 1965,00, deviation: 198,37, outliers: [out_16-c2s:2382:x1,21, out_26-c2s:1549:x0,79]
sess-man/Processed packets thread IN=[1067, 1097, 1174, 1203, 1162, 1256, 1236, 1263, 1253, 1153, 1231, 1263, 1231, 1192, 1197, 1217, 1196, 1180, 1138, 1138, 1107, 1092, 1066, 1115, 1091, 1094, 1122, 1068, 1090, 1185, 1211, 1232, 1224, 1171, 1245, 1160, 1221, 1112, 1145, 1056, 984, 967, 927, 897, 912, 884, 885, 945, 990, 1003, 1094, 1195, 2510, 1265, 1318, 1367, 1473, 1438, 1390, 1391, 1418, 1401, 1392, 1358, 1344, 1230, 2002, 1067, 1040, 1044, 964, 940, 912, 897, 874, 931, 934, 958, 1040, 1061]
sess-man/Processed packets thread OUT=[1191, 1206, 1262, 1287, 1275, 1292, 1214, 1205, 1144, 1086, 1129, 1176, 1143, 1081, 1060, 1072, 1098, 1086, 1036, 1015, 990, 961, 965, 1025, 1028, 1038, 1074, 1063, 1125, 1234, 1257, 1273, 1224, 1206, 1231, 1178, 1171, 1030, 1017, 921, 850, 839, 841, 832, 844, 832, 868, 967, 1026, 1059, 1104, 1159, 1164, 1193, 1252, 1285, 1326, 1304, 1279, 1309, 1352, 1350, 1310, 1268, 1238, 1205, 989, 1042, 957, 906, 813, 763, 753, 768, 781, 841, 878, 962, 1095, 1173]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 1166,00, deviation: 232,30, outliers: [in_52-sess-man:2510:x2,15, in_66-sess-man:2002:x1,72]
sess-man/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 1085,00, deviation: 162,69, outliers: [out_72-sess-man:753:x0,69]
message-archive/Processed packets thread IN=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15360, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
message-archive/Processed packets thread OUT=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
message-archive/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 384,00, deviation: 2398,08, outliers: [in_5-message-archive:15360:x40,00]
message-archive/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 0,00, deviation: 0,00
message-router/Processed packets thread IN=[3907, 3920, 4005, 4016, 3988, 4067, 4012, 4184, 4229, 4090, 4350, 4598, 4539, 4557, 4662, 4788, 4936, 4825, 4664, 4668, 4696, 4640, 4582, 4592, 4518, 4381, 3737, 4040, 4002, 4170, 4068, 4045, 3952, 3875, 3984, 3972, 4072, 3918, 4128, 4036]
message-router/Processed packets thread OUT=[2465]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) IN=mean: 4260,00, deviation: 321,68, outliers: [in_16-message-router:4936:x1,16]
message-router/Processed packets thread (outliers) OUT=mean: 2465,00, deviation: 0,00
Unknown commented 2 years ago

@woj-tek I fixed the unit tests. If you wish,I can improve readability of the tests by changing values with more readable values too.

As your test results states, thread distribution is better. But I notice increased number of queue overflows. I am still analyzing but I think we should be more skeptical about this change.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

@karapirinc Yes, please

Unknown commented 2 years ago


Unknown commented 2 years ago

After merging TTS tests started to fail with missing packets, which would indicated concurrency issues. For how I reverted the change.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

@woj-tek Could you please share reference to the failed tests?

Referenced from commit 1 year ago
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) added "Related" #1342 10 months ago
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