Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #1478
RFC 9266: Channel Bindings for TLS 1.3 support (#1478)
Unknown opened 3 years ago

Can you add the support of RFC 9266: Channel Bindings for TLS 1.3?

Little details, to know easily:

  • tls-unique for TLS =< 1.2
  • tls-exporter for TLS = 1.3

Thanks in advance.

Unknown commented 3 years ago

@arturhefczyc, @bmalkow, @woj-tek, @hantu85: Please, do not forget it.

Unknown commented 3 years ago

@Neustradamus you've submitted an issue and that's fine but please don't bump it as it's not productive and will definitely not help with resolve the issue.

If the suggested change is really so important for you and you want to have it resolved very quickly feel free to implement it and create Pull Request, we would be happy to merge it.

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