Currently only available via jcmd from shell but it gives a lot of usefull informrmations:
cmd 1 VM.native_memory summary 1: Native Memory Tracking: (Omitting categories weighting less than 1KB) Total: reserved=1530885KB, committed=1079713KB - Java Heap (reserved=819200KB, committed=819200KB) (mmap: reserved=819200KB, committed=819200KB) - Class (reserved=215479KB, committed=10679KB) (classes #13404) ( instance classes #12588, array classes #816) (malloc=2487KB #50156) (mmap: reserved=212992KB, committed=8192KB) ( Metadata: ) ( reserved=65536KB, committed=58624KB) ( used=58053KB) ( waste=571KB =0.97%) ( Class space:) ( reserved=212992KB, committed=8192KB) ( used=7337KB) ( waste=855KB =10.44%) - Thread (reserved=59433KB, committed=9281KB) (thread #94) (stack: reserved=59172KB, committed=9020KB) (malloc=153KB #562) (arena=108KB #185) - Code (reserved=252117KB, committed=62997KB) (malloc=4429KB #18870) (mmap: reserved=247688KB, committed=58568KB) - GC (reserved=79110KB, committed=79110KB) (malloc=15834KB #27193) (mmap: reserved=63276KB, committed=63276KB) - Compiler (reserved=986KB, committed=986KB) (malloc=822KB #1325) (arena=165KB #5) - Internal (reserved=895KB, committed=895KB) (malloc=891KB #25578) (mmap: reserved=4KB, committed=4KB) - Other (reserved=2395KB, committed=2395KB) (malloc=2395KB #59) - Symbol (reserved=11408KB, committed=11408KB) (malloc=9898KB #282713) (arena=1511KB #1) - Native Memory Tracking (reserved=7043KB, committed=7043KB) (malloc=21KB #315) (tracking overhead=7022KB) - Shared class space (reserved=12288KB, committed=12100KB) (mmap: reserved=12288KB, committed=12100KB) - Arena Chunk (reserved=178KB, committed=178KB) (malloc=178KB) - Tracing (reserved=32KB, committed=32KB) (arena=32KB #1) - Logging (reserved=8KB, committed=8KB) (malloc=8KB #294) - Arguments (reserved=2KB, committed=2KB) (malloc=2KB #87) - Module (reserved=1698KB, committed=1698KB) (malloc=1698KB #6218) - Safepoint (reserved=8KB, committed=8KB) (mmap: reserved=8KB, committed=8KB) - Synchronization (reserved=216KB, committed=216KB) (malloc=216KB #2247) - Serviceability (reserved=1KB, committed=1KB) (malloc=1KB #18) - Metaspace (reserved=66258KB, committed=59346KB) (malloc=722KB #879) (mmap: reserved=65536KB, committed=58624KB) - String Deduplication (reserved=2097KB, committed=2097KB) (malloc=2097KB #32625) - Unknown (reserved=32KB, committed=32KB) (mmap: reserved=32KB, committed=32KB)
Access via:
ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().invoke( new ObjectName(""), "vmNativeMemory, new Object[]{"summary"}, new String[]{"[Ljava.lang.String;"});
And parse properly.
(Should probably be available natively in the future: but for the time being)
Actually it was already implemented in #systems-83, added scale for better readability and documentation.
Currently only available via
from shell but it gives a lot of usefull informrmations:Access via:
And parse properly.
(Should probably be available natively in the future: but for the time being)