Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 3 years ago
Release notes prepared All TTS-NG test run and published (https://build.tigase.net/tests-results/tts-ng/index.html) Documentation for server and all components published (https://docs.tigase.net/) |
Dockerfile descriptor created (https://github.com/tigase/tigase-xmpp-server-docker/commit/0f1775551a9b407f1e17edc1be15b443e549d3cd) with two flavours (currently doesn't build because 8.2.0 hasn't been officially published on github just yet) |
Blog note created (mostly copy from github): https://tigase.github.io/os-website//jekyll/update/2022/03/08/tigase-8.3.0-release.html |
Final RN published: https://github.com/tigase/tigase-server/releases/tag/tigase-issue #8.2.0 Docker images published. |
multi-arch images has been re-created, I updated readme with information how to handle them. |
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Spent time |
42h 30m