Projects tigase _server server-core Issues #1047
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Add SASL-EXTERNAL on s2s conections (#1047)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 6 years ago

XEP-0178: Best Practices for Use of SASL EXTERNAL with Certificates: Server-to-Server Recommendation

  • "If the 'from' attribute of stream header sent by Server1 can be matched against one of the identifiers provided in the certificate following the matching rules from RFC 6125, Server2 returns success."
  • CA chain verification based on CAs from JVM
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 5 years ago

With sasl-external enabled almost all remote, non-Tigase servers fail to establish s2s with:

[2019-09-05 19:19:53:291] [FINEST  ] [      pool-32-thread-8 ] XMPPIOService.processSocketData(): CID:, null, type: connect, Socket: TLS: nullSocket[addr=/,port=5269,localport=10976], jid: null, READ:<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream version='1.0' xmlns:stream='' from='' xml:lang='en' to='' xmlns:db='jabber:server:dialback' xmlns='jabber:server'><stream:error><invalid-namespace xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/></stream:error></stream:stream>
Bartosz Małkowski commented 5 years ago

@wojtek Do you have more logs? What exactly packed caused this response?

Bartosz Małkowski commented 5 years ago

I hope problem are fixed.

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