Are there any documentation or example code regarding how to send File (Video,Image,document) (#118)
Unknown opened 5 years ago

i've integrated the library im my swift project and sending simple text messages works perfectly fine , i want to send images and video , im wondering if there are any documentations or example codes i can use or learn from ?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

The is no documentation for sending an image or video file, as this is slightly more complicated and in XMPP can be done in many ways. File can be sent using OOB, Jingle, SI or using HTTP File Upload. The most commonly used way in the XMPP right now is with use of HTTP File Upload.

We do have 2 clients Beagle IM and Siskin IM which are both open-sourced and can be used as an example of sending files using TigaseSwift using HTTP File Upload.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Okay Thank you.

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