Opening chat with user1
A chat window with title *"Chat with User1" shows
Sending "hi" to user1
Closing chat with user1 (selecting "Close chat") from settings
Opening a new chat with user2
The new chat window also shows the "hi" I sent to user1
"Show chats" option shows only chat with user2
Now the question: who am I talking to?
fixed version: 0.0.12 (2012-01-09)
Opening chat with user1
A chat window with title *"Chat with User1" shows
Sending "hi" to user1
Closing chat with user1 (selecting "Close chat") from settings
Opening a new chat with user2
A chat window with title *"Chat with User1" shows
The new chat window also shows the "hi" I sent to user1
"Show chats" option shows only chat with user2
Now the question: who am I talking to?