What is the relationship between the wetrtc and the jingle ? (#313)
Unknown opened 5 years ago

What is the relationship between the wetrtc and the jingle ?

Can I use only one of them to complete an audio and video call?

Please help me out! Thanks a lot!

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Jingle is used for "signaling" - that is negotiating who will participate in the call, how to connect it (which IPs and ports) and what audio/video codecs will be use) WebRTC is used for actual audio/video exchange.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

However, the logcat: org.webrtc.Logging: NetworkMonitorAutoDetect: Unable to obtain permission to request a cellular network.

WX20200515-234413@2x WX20200515-232331@2x WX20200515-232318@2x

How can i resolve the audio call?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

And when the audio call was called, the PM Emulator got the error.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

What is the question? What are you trying to do?

Are you trying to run Stork in the emulator?

"org.webrtc.Logging: NetworkMonitorAutoDetect: Unable to obtain permission to request a cellular network." - it seems that you haven't granted application all required permissions.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

I tried to debug the audio call with in the emulator. And then something went wrong.

  1. Unable to obtain permission to request a cellular network
  2. When the audio call was called, the PM Emulator got the error.
  3. the Jingle returned the feature_not_supported.
Unknown commented 5 years ago

And the IscServers : "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302", "stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302", "stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302", "stun:stun3.l.google.com:19302", "stun:stun4.l.google.com:19302", "stun:stunserver.org:3478"

I can not telnet the port. Is that why I am in China.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

The debugging process is like this: QQ20200516-010217@2x QQ20200516-010251@2x

But, the jingle has occurred a error on initiateSession, the response stanza such as:

8F:91:65:2D:A5:D7:7F:F5:49:88:C7:20:47:39:06:A9:20:4B:89:F8:10:5C:8D:51:4E:78:C3:7D:60:83:D5:9C8F:91:65:2D:A5:D7:7F:F5:49:88:C7:20:47:39:06:A9:20:4B:89:F8:10:5C:8D:51:4E:78:C3:7D:60:83:D5:9CThe feature is not supported yet.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Those ports are UDP so telnet will not work. I'm not familiar with China's restrictions related to accessing other servers.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Please help me analyze that the Jingle returned the feature_not_supported with initiateSession. Help me out , thanks a lot!

Unknown commented 5 years ago

the tigase-server return the error: "<"error code="501" type="cancel"> "<"feature-not-implemented xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"> "<"text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" xml:lang="en">The feature is not supported yet. "<"/error>

Unknown commented 5 years ago

It may happen that China block Google's stun servers - we can't help with that.

501 feature-not-implemented error most likely comes from your other user as Jingle is inherently client-client protocol. In this case its not the Tigase that sent the error but the other client.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

I started two simulators with stork.It shouldn't have happened.

“<”iq xmlns="jabber:client" from="test1@xmpp.server" id="xWdvv29tr0gIIHIRcQJFEra" type="error" to="test2@xmpp.server/stork"> “<”jingle xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:1" initiator="test2@xmpp.server/stork" sid="BS3h3eICwjWj6ElT6lY3s9H" action="session-initiate"> ..........

Won't jingle XML go through tigase?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

I'd recommend checking server logs - whether the message was correctly routed to the other client or not and if not, what was the issue.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

The reason for this error is that the recipient's resource is null.

How to resolve it?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

All <iq/> stanzas sent to bare JID (without resource) are responded by the server on behalf of the recipient. The only thing to fix that would be to sent <iq/> to the full JID (with a resource).

Unknown commented 5 years ago

I know this method, but how to deal with it if it is multi client Online. Will Stork fix this problem?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

That needs to be fixed in the client.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Will your stork fix this problem?However, how to solve the another about sending IQ with multi client Online?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

There are two options:

  • send IQ to all connected clients which you want to ring/call
  • use XEP-0353: Jingle Message Initiation (however, it's not supported by the Stork yet -- we do accept PullRequests though)
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