Account settings - message archiving toggles unresponsive (#299)
Unknown opened 5 years ago

...(Enable, AutoSync, Sync) unless I scroll the view after the first touch

3.0.23.p Xiaomi MIUI11 Android 10

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Is it marks as disabled (greyed out) or tapping on it doesn't work? Does your server generate response to enabling?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Nope, it is grey out when disconnected, right? While this happens a lot ( it's not the issue here.

Does your server generate response to enabling?

I'm on the log level under Debug, and ejabberd does not generate this info, I'd rather not go in stanza-land with level Debug. :)


Unknown commented 5 years ago

OK, from what I can see the UI blocks until response from the first change is received, which IMHO makes sense, and it seems there is a rather longer delay receiving response from the server hence perceived "unresponsiveness"?

Maybe adding progressbar (something along the lines of would be more informative that's something is happening?

Unknown commented 5 years ago

Do note that if I scroll the view just a little bit right away it will instantly toggle, not sure it's dependant on server.

Unknown commented 5 years ago

I tried to reproduce the issue and indeed there is something wrong with the view - it works the first time (I.e. open account settings, toggle it, go back, open settings again, it switches immediately). But it "get stuck" if you try to toggle it more than once without leaving the view.

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