Feedback on Testing Version 3 (#192)
Eric Dziewa opened 9 years ago
Due Date

What if we want to create a new account? If I click the back arrow next to Tigase Messenger text at the top it just flashes the screen.

After adding the first account we are taken to Roster. I sat here for a minute waiting for my roster to display. It never did and I started to think I had a typo in the account setup. Then I looked around and discovered I wasn't connected so I connected manually.

I have some really long filenames and cannot see the complete name to distinguish which is which. The select window stays in portrait mode even when using landscape mode.

When I do change Ringtone sounds this screen displays seemingly random numbers instead of file names.

Tried it on and received this warning. Pidgin does not display a warning. Must be the root certificate isn't installed to my phone? I last updated my android in November. Interesting they are using letsencrypt.

What priorities are these? I would really like to have a constant 25 priority.

Joining was fun with getting 194 notifications!

no more icon when the app is running? It displayed briefly while I was looking at statuses in the last screenshot.

Screenshot_2016-06-01-15-16-06.png Screenshot_2016-06-01-15-18-34.png Screenshot_2016-06-01-15-30-08.png Screenshot_2016-06-01-15-30-23.png Screenshot_2016-06-01-15-33-34.png Screenshot_2016-06-01-15-39-09.png

Eric Dziewa commented 9 years ago

Also there's no way to view MUC participants. Why are there no join/part messages either?

Eric Dziewa commented 9 years ago

Also from the first screenshot. There needs to be an "a" or an "an" in between "have XMPP".

Eric Dziewa commented 9 years ago

Cannot exit out of any Chat. Need the ability to close MUC's especially.

Daniel Wisnewski commented 9 years ago


Updating ticket.

Using RC4

MUC participants are visible, can exit chat. I still think "I have XMPP account" button should have "I have an XMPP account". Unfixed issues will have separate tickets for you.

Do we intend to add more features, or will this version be as is with new features?

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