XEP-0373 (OpenPGP for XMPP) support (#553)
Unknown opened 3 years ago

I would appreciate if Siskin would support XEP-0373 OpenPGP for XMPP (OX) and XEP-0374 OpenPGP for XMPP Instant Messaging. You can find more information about OX in the xmpp.org wiki. The wiki also has a comparison of the different XMPP e2e solutions.

Unknown commented 3 years ago

@mdosch I'd be curious to know what benefit OpenPGP for XMPP has over OMEMO, which is already in place? The comparison you linked actually points out a few disadvantages. I'm assuming the reason for OpenPGP hence isn't any sort of benefit over OMEMO, but rather has something to do with e.g. services that use OpenPGP for XMPP to push notifications via XMPP or similar?

Unknown commented 3 years ago

@mrusme it has a different use case than OMEMO, it's not a replacement. Not sure the push thing was ever the highlighted use case.

Unknown commented 3 years ago
  • It doesn't have the key mess (one key per account and not one key for every installation which can get quite messy if you often try out clients)

  • No PFS (means no broken archive for new installed clients)

Unknown commented 2 years ago

The pros are:

  • It will work on any device with GPG, so we don't need to verify every instance's fingerprint.

  • It is possible to decrypt previous histories, because there is no forward secrecy. This proves helpful when in a chatroom, one day you chat on this device and another day through another device (client).


  • No forward secrecy.
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