When I try to run the project the project fails and I get two issues. "There is no XCFramework found at ...../frameworks/webRTC.xcframework
"There is no XCFramework found at ...... /frameworks/OpenSSL.xcframwork
When I go to my master tree and select Build Phases > embed frameworks Those frameworks are listed there.
Sorry if this is a really amature question.
Just run update-frameworks.sh from the command line and it will fetch, test checksums and unpack those frameworks.
whoops! Missed that.. Thank you!
When I try to run the project the project fails and I get two issues. "There is no XCFramework found at ...../frameworks/webRTC.xcframework
"There is no XCFramework found at ...... /frameworks/OpenSSL.xcframwork
When I go to my master tree and select Build Phases > embed frameworks Those frameworks are listed there.
Sorry if this is a really amature question.