When testing #beagleim-400 I received pop-ups with incomming calls (top shade) which I clicked on red cross to discard. After 3-4 notifications (and crashed beagle) I got full screen page with "Video de Siskin IM" and the only option was only to answer.
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 3 years ago
Unfortunately, that is an iOS screen when the phone is "locked" if I recall correctly. The option, AFAIR, was to unlock the phone or just turn off the screen - that would allow call to timeout.
Wojciech Kapcia commented 3 years ago
Quite possibly i dragged (minimaly) call notification when I tried to hit decline which resulted in this AbominationOfTheUI™…
When testing #beagleim-400 I received pop-ups with incomming calls (top shade) which I clicked on red cross to discard. After 3-4 notifications (and crashed beagle) I got full screen page with "Video de Siskin IM" and the only option was only to answer.