Uninstalling application does not remove data/data unremoveable (#30)
Won't Fix
Daniel Wisnewski opened 7 years ago

Removing the application from devices (iphone or ipad) does not remove the accounts defined previously. This may be cause for #5172 . I attempted to remove both from home screen and using Settings/usage and same results.

Also, It does not appear that I can remove all accounts from the devices once defined, I have been unable to 'start from scratch' with app.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 7 years ago

Daniel, data is removed when you uninstall application or clean data from @Settings@. However accounts are not part of a data - they are stored in iOS keychain as keychain provides us with:

  • additional security (keychain is encrypted until iOS device is not unlocked for a first time)

  • possible synchronization between devices (it is possible using iCloud keystore synchronization, ie. when you have more than 1 device were you want to use Tigase iOS Messenger)

  • possible access to this data from our other applications for iOS (if we decide to create them)

And it is possible to start from scratch, just remove accounts by swiping account item to the left on Settings tab. (it is even possible to unregister them from the server if you want to do so).

It is not possible for application to be called on removal from iOS devices, so I'm not able to remove account entries (and if iCould based keychain synchronization is used I'm not sure that I should remove this accounts).

Daniel Wisnewski commented 7 years ago

Accounts may be removed in-app, it was just my misunderstanding of the iOS UI. Removing accounts allows me to see start page. Rejecting issue.

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