Privacy policy (#296)
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) opened 3 years ago

The task is for SiskinIM but for BeagleIM the same may be required.

Currently, we do not have a privacy policy for SiskinIM or BeagleIM (we have some at site). On the SiskinIM project page (and on the BeagleIM I think as well) in AppStore we have the following link as a link to our privacy policy, but (I suppose after some migration) it is lost.

We need to have a valid privacy policy somewhere as AppStore requires it and we can be banned if they will find out that it is missing. I do not have a copy of the old privacy policy or rights to change links in the AppStore.

Maybe we should place it somewhere as a file (in S3) and just add redirection to it? so it would not disappear after migration?

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 3 years ago

@kobit I know that you are busy, but we will need that before the next release.

Artur Hefczyc commented 3 years ago

Good point. @wojtek can you dig it up? We should have it on the redmine or maybe in the git repository for our current website but it just not showing for some reason.

If not, if we cannot retrieve it, we have to create a new one from scratch.

@andrzej.wojcik could you please look around for a privacy-policy we could use for our purpose?

Wojciech Kapcia commented 3 years ago

I managed to find it in old Drupal database (sidenode: Drupal has really convoluted database schema...) and put it here: and it's available here:

I think we should review it and probably need to adjust contact information.

Artur Hefczyc commented 3 years ago

I know, the current website is not reliable if it comes to generate a new version, but could you please add the file to our existing website as well? If it generates a new version, then this is good, if not, no worries.

@vishal.thakkar please incorporate the privacy-policy file into our new website you are working on.

In the meantime I will contact a lawyer to review the privacy policy and we will update it when we have a new version.

Wojciech Kapcia commented 3 years ago

I know, the current website is not reliable if it comes to generate a new version, but could you please add the file to our existing website as well?

It's not even that it's not reliable - it's sources are so jumbled up that making heads or tails of it is... not trivial. Adding blog-posts is easy as those are just markdown posts in know location. Anything beyond that (adding menu item for example) would I think, entail creating new component. I tried to add it to products menu at the end using products template/component but it would render the privacy policy in the second tab (thus, additional component). And it dawned on me - maybe we could just post it as blog post? That should work just fine and be available at the current website. What do you think @kobit ?

Artur Hefczyc commented 3 years ago

The best way would be just adding a plain, text file, if possible with a link to somewhere in the footer. If this takes too much time, forget about it. I understand we almost have the new website ready with the document already incorporated.

@vishal.thakkar when do you think we can publish the new version of the website you are working on?

Wojciech Kapcia commented 3 years ago

FYI: Vishal's reply is in #helpdeskpr-748 as YT is throwing permission fits when mail response comes from user not associated with the project...

Wojciech Kapcia commented 3 years ago

I tried to add it to static files, which should work just fine, but gatsby/amplify tries to re-build everything and with the dynamic dependencies it just fails / time-outs so I'll leave it be (so, currently it's impossible to make any changes to the website, including making any blog publication...)

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 3 years ago

Where I should point a link for AppStore for a privacy policy?

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 3 years ago

@kobit @wojtek Where I should point a link for AppStore for a privacy policy? This is the only thing blocking me from releasing SiskinIM & BeagleIM/

Wojciech Kapcia commented 3 years ago

I would say in "About the app" would be a good place (IMHO).

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 3 years ago

@wojtek I was asking about the URL which is should open upon user request. I need to update that in AppStore application details as well.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 3 years ago
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