MUC chat markers are directed at the user's own nick instead of the MUC (bare) JID (#589)
Unknown opened 2 years ago

Describe the bug If I read a message in MUC, the message containing the chat marker has a to="room@service/MyNick" instead of to="room@service"

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the XML console
  2. Open a MUC with unread messages
  3. See the outgoing displayed marker

Additional context I am unsure if this is correct behaviour or not by the spec, but this seems a bit... weird? I am developing a gateway component with MUC capabilities and I'm OK to handle this gracefully, but I opened this issue to determine whether this beagle behaviour is accidental or intentional.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

This is intentional.

In the case of MUC rooms that are not members only, Beagle sends PMs (type="chat") with "read" notification to notify other resources joined with the same nickname that this message was read/received (same user different clients).

In case of MUC rooms that are members only, Beagle sends "read" notifications to the bare JID of the room with type="groupchat" to broadcast this notification to everyone.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

Moreover, those PMs are marked with store hint, so they should be stored in user MAM archive.

Unknown commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, I will try to make my thing not return error stanzas when this happens then.

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