List of MUC participants appears empty (#555)
Unknown opened 4 years ago

With current Beagle beta b111 I have sometimes the display issue that the member list of MUC is more or less empty after the laptop went to sleep and just woke up or when the DSL disconnects or there is any other type of short network loss.

This is only in the MUC that is currently active/displayed. When I switch to another MUC and back again, all members are instantly there again.

See this video for an example where I just switch from MUC "netzpolitik" which appears to be empty to the MUC "retrocomputing" and back to MUC "netzpolitik" and suddenly that MUC has a list of users again... I think this first happened with b111 and didn't show up before that version... (link is valid for 3 months)

Unknown commented 4 years ago

I'm closing as this code was rewritten and this issue should not exist anymore on 5.0. Please reopen if it is still happening

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