Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 4 years ago
Maybe the issue is with dash or underscore in the file name and S3 limitations |
@wojtek according to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/BucketRestrictions.html
So the issue is on the server side in AWS extension for HTTP file upload |
Most likely hyphen/dash. I've created #http-105. |
Attaching problematic file. |
File was created with Skitch.app. |
The issue was fixed in #http-105 - filename is now URL encoded in the URL generated by HTTP File Upload component. |
(Closing as the relevant server-side issue was fixed) |
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For some reason it's impossible to upload file named
.BeagleIM only gives enigmatic error:
There is nothing relevant in XML logs:
Though I'd say it may be an issue with http-upload component which returns some error on accessing PUT endpoint (or AWS s3 limitation).