Fix SQLite3 database support (#289)
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) opened 4 years ago

Current implementation of SQLite3, while working correctly most of the time, has some issues related to threading and blocking causing random crashes. The easiest way to fix that is to replace it with new (fixed) implementation created in a separate project and then use it in BeagleIM. Having it in a separate project will allow us to reuse it in SiskinIM which has almost identical database support implementation and most likely it has similar issues.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

@kobit This task is a result of the issue which you reported, that BeagleIM randomly crashed while in the background. Would it be OK to create a separate project named TigaseSQLite3Swift, tigase-sqlite3-swift or maybe TigaseSQLite3.swift? I'm open to any other name for the library.

Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 4 years ago

Additionally, this change should improve performance of the database which may increase performance of our apps.

Artur Hefczyc commented 4 years ago

I do not see a problem with this. I am also open to any name you feel comfortable with.

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