Notifications for mentions and highlight for muted channels (#262)
Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 5 years ago

(this is a followup to #issue #195 #issue #150)

When the channel is muted, it should be possible to receive notifications (and update count) when the user is mentioned or defined highlighted word is received.

In the chat/channel context there should be two options/buttons:

  • Mute
  • Customize

In the customize section there should be 3 options (as stated originally, with default being "selective" (2) ):

  • ( ) : receive all notifications
  • (*) : receive notifications on highlights and mentions (default)
  • ( ) : mute notifications

When user would select Mute in main menu then customize window would not be available (for example). Attached images from Slack (which is what I was suggesting it seems)

(edited after our call)

nogifiactions-chat-customize-muted.png notifications-chat-context-muted.png notifications-chat-customize.png notifications-chat-context.png

Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) commented 5 years ago

Btw. @andrzej.wojcik there is an issue that notifications work only for mentions and are missing for highlights - should I create separate issue for it to include that in the soon-to-be-released version?

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