Add suport for MIX channels (#207)
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) opened 5 years ago

As we already have untested support for MIX in Tigase XMPP Server, it would be good to have support in client to start using it.

Wojciech Kapcia commented 5 years ago

Some comments and concussions:

  • we archive everything in MAM with exclussion (chat states, etc)
  • in 8.1.0 all offline messages are also included in MAM
  • in 9.0.0 we disable 'offlinemessages' and swich it's handling to MAM completely

MIX/MUC compat:

  • we would/could require users to register (to avoid generating flood of participant member on MIX end from MUC users constant disconnections)
  • we would/could add timeout for MUC users joins (couple/dozens of minutes) before generating participant event.
Andrzej Wójcik (Tigase) commented 5 years ago

@wojtek Thank you for keeping a record of our discussion. I've created tasks and linked them to this issue for a reference.

As for MUC/MIX, I think that we will end up choosing one way and then maybe switching to a different solution as it is really hard to decide.

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