Wojciech Kapcia (Tigase) opened 6 years ago
All below comments with a huge IMHO!
As I said yesterday - IMHO we could drop that completely (as an option) or (as seen in the mockup) the timestamp can be included only when the timestamp difference was "greater than" without creating new "user group" (i.e. avatar + nick header)
Yes, this one.
I'm not saying the messages shouldn't be full width. Maybe put avatars (and maybe nicknames -- but I tried to place them and couldn't fine good place) on alternating sides (in/out)? See the new attachment - IMHO this also helps scan the conversation, skipping your own messages.
I'm not sure actually. The thing is - for me it's more difficult to scan conversation in Beagle than in different applications. You said you are getting inspiration from Slack, and if you compare slack (https://get.slack.help/hc/article_attachments/115014884926/WHAT_IS_SLACK_Slack_overview.png) and beagle (https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqd4wq0ogvj3sp3/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202019-06-27%20a%20las%2012.41.23.png?dl=0) the Slack on is easier to read. I guess the answer is yes: I would propose making fonts even bigger for nickname. (looking at the slack screenshot - it seems that because font of the message is thinner it's falling slightly into grey-ish while the nickname stays black. |
Generally, I agree with almost all, with exception to the moving things left-right. I would like to have it as an option only. |
Yes, left-right thing is very subjective so if you ever include then it should be as an option. |
@wojtek Ok, so let`s just add "one more thing": We should do that for SiskinIM as well, so that this redesign would be consistent in both apps. |
It looks (IMVHO) way better! Thank you! Not to open another ticket and this fits into this one - the [+] button next to text entry is not centred - it looks like it's aligned to the top-left corner. |
Yes, I've seen that, but actually I'm thinking about modifying this buttons icon as with this improved UI it looks a little odd. |
@wojtek New build with a fix for |
Type |
New Feature
Priority |
Assignee | |
Spent time |
11h 45m
Possible suggestions as discussed in chat:
Attached is a mockup
Untitled Diagram.png beagle_mockup.drawio beagle_mockup.png